Friday, September 9, 2016



This is my first week starting on my course design outline assignment. I came up with a course topic of ultimate Frisbee because I feel like I know a lot about the sport. I chose to make this course a blended course so that we could have some class meetings to practice what we are learning. I also included the content analysis, general goals, and enhancing learning sections.

Item of Interest

The course is going to be designed as a college level course. Students that are interested in ultimate Frisbee will be interested in this course. Since this is just an introduction course to the sport, the students will learn the basics of play, work on fitness, and teamwork. 

Problem or Concern

This is a blended course that will last for 8 weeks and has 3 class meetings. My concern is if 3 class meetings will be enough hands on experience. Since it's an introduction class, I will have to cover a lot of broad information and skills. 


  1. I think that this would be a great idea. The only thing is you may have a big gender gap. That may not really matter though unless they are required to take your class for a certain program (:
    I would think that you would need more face-to-face meetings since it is more of a hands on class. That way you can see if they are truly getting the hang of the main skills needed for the sport.
    I think that if you are going to work on team work that you would use one class meeting and specifically work on that and then another class meeting that was specific as to learning the basics of play. I would also think that if fitness is a big part of the sport and there is a lot of running or need for endurance that you would have a few mandatory work out days. (I'm not really sure how to play ultimate frisbee, but I have heard of it before!)
    Overall I think it will be interesting to see your course and how you design it and maybe I can even learn how to play!!
    Meagan Lucas

  2. Teaching the basic principles of Ultimate Frisbee will work in an on-line or blended class. This is a hands on sport. A introduction course to the sport, where the students will learn the basics of play, work on fitness, and teamwork is great before someone invests alot of money into equipment. My question is how will you do assessment?

  3. Hi Peter,

    I think your ultimate Frisbee course is a great idea. I chose to complete my topic on an introductory culinary cooking class in a blended format to be completed in an 8 week period. I plan on incorporating 3 face to face meetings also; so I think you should be good on that. I would gear the face to face meetings to focus on more of learning and demonstrating your content and the students can use the rest of the time to practice what they've learned and your last class meeting could be to show off their skills, similar to the way the HPE 428 course was set up in the past. Good Luck!

  4. Hey Peter!

    I had difficulty coming up with a topic for my assignment, but finally figured one out. Reading about your topic made me wish I had chosen something different than what I did. That's okay though, I still find my topic interesting. The course sounds like a great idea and I know I would personally sign up for it!! My advice would be to let the students decide if they would like more face to face time. That way they have a say in regards to more hands on experience. I would want more face to face meetings to work on what we have learned and to put my skills to the test. I know nothing about this sport really, so the face to face meetings would be more beneficial to my learning style. Good luck on this topic, it really seems like a great one!

  5. Hi Peter!

    Practice time is definitely a large factor when learning any sport. My suggestion would be more of a flipped classroom approach. Have students watch instructional videos on their own time, learning technique, strategy, rules, etc. Then face-to-face time could focus solely on hands-on participation and you could correct/instruct as needed.

    Good luck!

  6. Peter,

    I think your topic is definitely workable online. You could include your own pictures and videos to instruct your students and even find some videos online for your students to watch as additional instruction. You could have a questions/problems discussion board so you would know what your students needed help with when they come to the face to face meetings that way your time with your students could be used beneficially. Good luck!

